Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cannot Brain, I Have teh Dumb

Not much to say today, really, and no new pictures. I wandered the streets of Chonburi again for a bit, picking up the last few little things to give to people. Tomorrow, I am spending three hours at the ocean - frolicking as Julie puts it - so there will be pictures then. And after that, early to bed and far too early to rise and off I go back home. :)


  1. Shopping in Thailand! What an image.

  2. It is an interesting prospect. I went to two "Western style" malls yesterday - which means nothing more or less than that the vendors set up their booths inside an air-conditioned building rather than outside. ;)

  3. Were the prices higher? Do most people speak at least some English or are you making do with a lot of smiles, gestures and your phrase book?

  4. Prices were slightly higher, but not a lot - I bought a watch for 200 baht that I might have been able to get for 150 baht elsewhere, but it seemed silly to quibble over $1.50. ;) There was a lot of gesturing and such but all parties were able to make themselves understood well enough to be happy.
