Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ocean at Last!!

Ok, so it was just through the plane window as we flew into Seattle, and technically it was the Sound, but still I will take it!!!

This morning has been an adventure thus far - mostly good with some "WTF" thrown in for good measure. With all the weather drama, Delta (the people providing us with our passage, after receiving a sizable chunk of cash) is running behind with almost all flights and doing flaky things like not reporting our check in to the gates. Needless to say, there was minor panic on our part, but we got on the plane ok and are now waiting in Seattle to fly to - JAPAN!!!!!

Not that I'm excited or anything. *slurps udon*

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! Fly safely! S and I are going to go have some Thai food and wish we were traveling, too!
